In a Vase on Monday: Brave

To those brave people – the concert-goers in Manchester, the people on London Bridge and in Borough Market, the emergency services who acted so swiftly. My thoughts are with all those affected.

My Monday vase this week contains Canterbury Bells (Campanula medium), Linaria purpurea ‘Canon Went’, Stipa tenuissima, Quaking grass (Briza maxima), Erigeron karvinskianus and lavender.

Thank you to Cathy at Rambling in the Garden for hosting IAVOM and giving me the excuse to focus on nature and beauty for a while.

Wishing you a good week.

17 thoughts on “In a Vase on Monday: Brave

  1. Oh what a delightfully airy fairy vase this is Sam – the Stipa adds a real etherial quality to it and the erigeron and briza look wonderful with the Canterbury Bells. The close up shots in particular show it off so so well

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  2. This is a lovely testimonial, Sam. I’m heartbroken every time I see or read coverage of these events but I admire the way the members of the British public have responded.

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  3. Beautiful arrangement and thoughts Sam. What’s happening at the moment is truly heart-breaking, and flowers are the perfect reminder that there are still fine things – and millions of very fine people on our wonderful planet. I did love the grasses – the little lockets of the Briza are perfectly in scale and contrast with your other elements. Have a good week and thanks for sharing both vase and thoughts.

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    1. I grew these linaria from seed but all the others that self-seed about the place are purple. It’ll be interesting to see if any seedlings from these come up pink or purple.

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      1. One self-seeder has just opened – and it’s pink! 🙂 The only one I have left now. The purples are definitely stronger.


  4. I love the Campanula and the Briza. The attack in London was so vicious and stupid. It seems like we are regressing to a sort of Dark Ages mindset. Most people still mean well, though, and a few are courageous. Oh, and I apologize for our moronic President.

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