To the Lighthouse

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One of my favourite local walks is to the South Foreland Lighthouse. If I go via the beach it’s about an hour’s round trip and, on a clear day, the views are quite breathtaking. photo 3 Today, though, I had to go via the village hall (to drop off the June issue of the village magazine – more of that another time), so this meant approaching the lighthouse from inland. There were a few other dog-walkers about but mostly it was just me and my dog. I love these early morning walks; I’ve had a lot on my mind lately and really felt the need for some peace and quiet. Strolling along, dog at my side, listening to the birds and noticing the light in the hedgerows is one of the best tonics I know. photo 2 At one point, I stood still to listen to a wren belting out it’s glorious, uplifting song. Sorry there’s no sound with this picture (or any sign of the wren). photo 3 Along the wooded lane and into a clearing – there’s the lighthouse. It’s not open to the public until later in the morning but luckily the gate was open, so I was able to get close to it. photo 4 It dates from Victorian times and Marconi sent his first international wireless transmission from here in 1899 – a little historical fact for you! There’s an older, derelict lighthouse a little further along the cliffs but this one is the landmark. You can find out more about the lighthouse here if you’re interested.

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There’s a path that runs right down to the cliff edge – dogs must be kept on leads and you have to take care. The sign says it all (although there’s a much bigger drop)! photo 2 I returned home to the children, who are on half term holiday, and all the jobs to do feeling much perkier. I hope you are feeling perky whatever you’re up to this week.

5 thoughts on “To the Lighthouse

  1. I do like a good walk, throw in a bit of history, birdsong and a beautiful blue sky and I’m with you all the way. I’ll enjoy reading about your garden in Kent, just remember it will never be finished, it will always be there tomorrow and the fun lies in the doing, but you knew all that already! Have a good half term week. Sarah.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Beatufiul scenery, and lovely photos. Thanks for that tidbit about Marconi – I read “Thunderstruck” by Erik Larson recently, so that was pretty interesting to me! 🙂


  3. How amazing to have that view and that beautiful lighthouse so close by to enjoy on your walks! I find that a little outside time by myself like you really clears the head! Your last shot is gorgeous!! Wishing you good things tomorrow friend! Nicole xo


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